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Four AdSense Tips : What Not to Do by Alan Lim

Knowing what to do is only half the AdSense story. You also need some important AdSense tips on what not to do if you value your account with Google.

Most of the information you'll find about AdSense tips will involve ideas about how to maximize your profit generation activities. However, knowing what you should do is only part of the picture. You also need to know what not to do. The tips below can help you prevent some of the biggest mistakes.

Do Not Click Ads

Whether by accident or not, one of the best AdSense tips that can be offered about what not to do is that you should never click on the ads on your own site. Obviously, this could be a great way to artificially inflate your own revenue. You could just spend hours clicking on the ads and you'd eventually rack up a pretty nice bank for yourself.

However, Google takes this serious and for good reasons. While you may think it's a great way to boost your own earnings, you are benefiting at the cost of other business owners who are sincere in their desire to drive real traffic to their sites. Because your earnings are a percentage of what these marketers are paying, your money comes at their expense. Plus, reports of this type of cheating can hurt the legitimacy of the program and that's something Google does not want.

Never Reward Visitors

Another example of some good AdSense tips is never to offer incentives to site visitors who will click on your links. That even means begging and pleading. For example, you don't want to suggest that the site will be closed down if people don't visit the sponsors. Google also disproves of this practice for the same reasons as above. If you've done a good job on attracting targeted traffic, you don't need to seem desperate in this way.

No Empty Pages

The temptation for lazy site owners might be to just throw up the AdSense code on an empty page and be done. While you won't have to worry about any AdSense tips about designing a great page this way, you will end up with limited traffic and no interest in your ads. Visitors need to stick around long enough to notice and be intrigued by the ads. With no other content on the site, visitors are likely to be angry about the waste of their time and will take off quickly.

Realize the Penalties

Knowing that the above is not a good idea either because Google disproves of the process or because visitors won't approve either may not be a major deterrent. However, the reality is that Google is serious about these issues and will suspend the accounts of anyone who violates the above and other policies.

As part of these AdSense tips, you should realize just how serious these violations are taken and what they can cost you in terms of future revenue through the program. There's no reason to put yourself at risk like that. Instead, do the extra work and have the patience to get the revenue you want legitimately.

About the Author

Now that you know what mistakes to avoid, you can look for some more positive Adsense Tips. Visit the site below for more information on how to benefit from AdSense:


How to increase your AdSense clicks

by Danielle Branch

The only way for a search engine to find you and deliver relevant ads is to deliver actual content. This means words that form clear and understandable sentences. I know this seems like it would be common sense, however it is tempting to write a paragraph that is filled with keywords. Such as my example below:

"Adsense optimization for keyword rich ads for Adsense ads. Double Adsense revenue for Adsense ads. Traffic building Adsense ads will double your Adsense ad revenue."

-Proper Optimization-

When writing anything on a page where you will have an Adsense ad, it is important to use proper optimization techniques. This means pulling out the Header tags and properly bolding and using italics. Why? The search engines love this, especially Google. Since Google will be the one delivering the ad to your site, you want to make your site as search engine friendly as possible.

-Location Location Location-

Where you place your Adsense ads is just as important as to how they look. Luckily, there are only a few ideas that you need to worry about to increase your click through rate. There are 3 places where it is best to put these ads:

1. The more "white space" around your ads the better 
By leaving a frame of white space around your text you are making the ads blend into your site. This will make your visitors believe it is all part of your content.

2. The closer to the top of the page the better 
Many readers will only quickly scan down your page; therefore it would only make sense to put your ad, whether it is a text link block or a banner up at the top of the page. This is where your visitor's eye will likely go.

3. The closer the left of the page the better 
Once again, our eyes start at the left of the page, because in America, we read from left to right. If we can expect this natural flow, then we can strategically place these ads where our visitors will naturally see them.

-Keywords that pay-

The key to success with Adsense is to place your ads on pages that receive high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. It doesn't pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that don't receive hits. You can search for high paying keywords on sites like and the Google Adwords page.

There are tricks to placing Adsense ads on your website that will dramatically increase the odds of them being clicked. Knowing what they are and placing them into your advertising tactics will keep you a step ahead of the game we call marketing.

Learn more about this author, Danielle Branch.
